Rutherford County Theatre News, August 2023

Happy August Readers,

As we begin the cool transition into a hopefully crisp fall, we reminisce about some of the highlights of the past theatre season here in Rutherford County:

 ·       Center for the Arts put on a high-quality performance of “Shrek: The Musical,” which had every family in Murfreesboro eager for tickets that sold in a flash,

·       Ghost Light Studio premiered the opening of The Mills-Pate Arts Center’s new outdoor tented venue with their comical production of “Pygmalion, of a Fashion,”

·       Bravo Boro knocked our socks off with their stunningly professional performance of “Barefoot in the Park,” and

·       Consider This Theatre had us impressed with their large-scale production of “Beauty and the Beast.


Murfreesboro Little Theatre has just wrapped up the exciting auditions for their upcoming production of “The Crucible.” They will be teaming up with our local beloved historic ground, Oaklands Mansion, to bring this classic spooky tale to life.

Keep up to date with ticket availability and check out their new line of merch through their website:  MLT


After a brief intermission, Radical Arts is set to make an exciting return this Halloween season with their beloved trademark production of “Evil Dead:  The Musical.” This production was a hit before and is sure to make a rousing return this season.

Be sure to follow their Facebook page to stay up to date with this and more: Radical Arts


Consider This Theatre is excited to bring a new original production to the stage this September entitled, “Role4Initiative”. This comical adventure story revolves around a group of players who are entranced by their D&D style game. With a promising cast of local performers, this is sure to be a hit.

You won’t want to miss this out of the box performance, so watch for tickets through their website: Consider This Theatre


Bravo Boro has made quite a name for themselves over the past couple years, and they have no plans of slowing down as they continue to roll out one success after another. Up next for this wonder kid theatre is their original production of “Kimberly Akimbo.”  This production showcases an exotic ensemble cast with a strong leading lady.

Be sure to Join them this August 11th through August 20th as Kimberly and her family navigate her inevitable fate: Bravo Boro


I have grown up in the Middle TN Theatre Community since the innocent age of six. My life has been shaped by the hard working and underappreciated people of this passionate community, many of whom are still fervently working to this day. As I watch the culture of our community grow and change, I begin to realize just how important local support is for us. Community theatres rely on the theatrically eager, and sometimes even generous donors. Our work is one of fervor and it can often be taxing and to some, seemingly unrewarding. Yet, we still stand, after COVID, inflation, and anything else the recent years have thrown at us.  However, we will only remain standing with the support of our local community. So if you should find yourself with nothing to do on any given weekend, find a local show and support us with your laughter and cheer, because at the end of the day, we do all of this for you, the theatre goer. 

Until next month. -Poem

“If you were born with the ability to change someone’s perspective or emotions, never waste that gift.

It is one of the most powerful gifts God can give—the ability to influence.”

Shannon L. Alder

 To keep up to date on any and all artistic happenings of Middle TN, follow the Rutherford Arts Alliance on Facebook: rucoartstn OR visit our website: Rutherford Arts Alliance.

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